Dating Approach to Investing

Investor-startup relationships and dating/marriage demand trust, transparency, and mutual growth, essential for successful partnerships. The following guidelines serve as a blueprint to ensure a thriving and enduring relationship for investors with founders.

  1. Keeping Communication Channels Open: Prioritizing maintaining transparent and continuous open communication channels with founders and other stakeholders. By sharing knowledge and providing hands-on mentorship, go beyond capital investment, empowering early-stage founders with the tools and insights needed to thrive.
  2. Showing Honest Intentions Upfront: Transparency is key to building trust. Make intentions clear from the start by openly sharing what investor is looking for from startups in portfolio. By being upfront about goals and expectations from founders, we set the foundation for a healthy and fruitful partnership.
  3. No Ghosting or Mixed Signals: Understand the importance of responsiveness and respect for founders’ time. Provide prompt feedback and even if the partnership does not align at the present moment, share what might make it possible in the future. By offering valuable insights and support, aim to foster a relationship that could flourish.
  4. Building Trust through Openness: Encourage founders to be open about other investors or partnerships they may have. Thus, creating an environment where everyone can work together harmoniously.
  5. Avoiding FOMO: Do not be attracted to superficial traits or hype. Instead, focus on collaborating with founders to nurture long-term growth potential. Pitching investors with Fear-of-Missing-Out (FOMO) tactics won’t work. Prioritize sustainable success and seek to avoid fast-burning relationships or toxic situationships.
  6. Planning for a Bright Future: Envision partnership as a long-term commitment. Together with founders, optimistically plan for the future. Support their dreams, imagine the impact they can make, and work tirelessly to raise the shared “business child” while being realistic in the approach on how to achieve the set goals, the timelines required, and mitigating the risks.
  7. Connecting on a Deeper Level: In taking the time to understand the mindset and aspirations of the founding team by engaging in multiple interactions before making any commitments ensure a genuine connection and a shared vision for long-term success. In aiming to see founders, businesses, and relationships succeed long-term it’s vital investors and founders understand each other’s mindsets.
  8. Consistent Check-Ins: Less traditional board meetings, More relaxed kitchen table conversations, where investors genuinely inquire about the well-being of founders and their startups. Celebrate successes and provide encouraging solutions to navigating challenges.
  9. Providing Support in Times of Need: Life and business can sometimes knock us down. Stay committed to lifting up founders when they face setbacks. Stand by their side, offering support and guidance to help them get back on their feet.
  10. Feedback Channels for Growth: Constructive feedback is essential for growth. Actively seek feedback from founders and encourage them to share their thoughts and suggestions openly. This feedback loop strengthens relationships and enables continuous improvement.

By adhering to these principles, investors can strive to create a vibrant ecosystem where startups thrive, and entrepreneurs can confidently pursue their visions.


JMoon Ventures